The President just does not get it at all

Further Proof that Liberals are just terminally dumb.

First thoughts: Losing the message war? – First Read –

Perhaps the biggest thing that stood out to us at President Obama’s AARP town hall yesterday was that the White House appears to be losing the message war on health care. How do we know? Just listen to the questions the AARP callers had. Several of them asked about “rumors,” and they also brought up GOP talking points on “rationing” or the government coming to your house to ask how you want to die (!!!). Also, Obama’s closing statement at the town hall was particularly telling. “Sometimes I get a little frustrated because this is one of those situations where it’s so obvious that the system we have isn’t working well for too many people and that we could just be doing better,” he said. “We’re not going to have a perfect health care system; it’s a complicated system, there are always going to be some problems out there. But we could be doing a lot better than we’re doing right now.”

MSNBC is a shill for the Democratic Party. This is totally evident by this posting and it title. Losing the message war? That implies that the American people are stupid and that the White House has to make it simple. Sorry guys, that is just insulting; which is why I do not watch your Network any longer. The fact is that most rational thinking Americans want affordable Health-care; but most sane rational thinking Americans do not want Government run Healthcare. Because they know that Government ran Health-care will result a terrible Health-care for the folks. It will maan rationing of medicine. It will mean a loss of our true American freedom to choose which doctor you can go to. It will mean the Government will tell you that you just need to die; all to save money. Impressed so far?

President Barack Obama is a far left socialist President and he wants Government ran Health-care. The folks do not want this and now the President is ticked off; because we Conservatives know the truth about his Communist modeled program, and we have been informing the people of the truth. This is upsetting the President and his socialist minions, who are on an agenda to destory America. Plus, the Blue Dogs in his own damned party are standing up and saying, “Whoa, Wait a minute here!” That is because they know that our Nation’s economy is in the stinking toilet and they know that this sort of institutionalized Healthcare will a disaster for our Nation’s Economy; and they do not want to painted as the Party that destroyed Americans Economy.

Now, I know what some Moonbat liberal is thinking reading this. —- “That guy is most likely rich and can afford his own health-care…” If I were as rich as some have a accused me of being on this blog. I would retire now and live high on the proverbial hog. Guys, I have less than $100.00 in my checking account right now. This Blog is my living. I have NO HEALTH-CARE INSURANCE AT ALL! But do I want to start taking Governmental Healthcare insurance? Hell No! Because for one, I do not want some Government appointed panel deciding what sort of treatments or care that I should get. I believe in the private markets! Two; I really understand how Government works and how SLOW it can be and how terrible the healthcare system is for the Vets, and for those on Medicaid and Medicare. Plus I have, unlike this Rich Limousine Liberals, I have actually went to the secretary of State office, during the week. Ever do that before? That will be what Government health-care will be like.

Hopefully, this bill will die and Congress and hopefully President Obama will, to use a liberal Phrase; Move on.