Cap and Tax Passes House….

Well, it seems that the Wrongly called “Cap and Trade” Bill passed the House yesterday.

Get ready to start paying higher energy bills. The reason I say this is, because the energy companies that start paying more to run their plants are going to pass that wonderful little cost increase into their customers.

It’s going to be a long four to eight years.

Previous Cap and Trade Blogging here.

Update: Robert Stacy McCain writes; about me, the following:

Paleo Pat at Political Byline picked us up, as well: “instead of sitting and writing about crap I know zero about, I will quote people that do know about it.” The fact that you admit knowing zero about it, Pat, puts you on the same level as the pack of clowns that voted in favor of it, albeit in the more honest section.

Why that lousy son of….*cough* Ahem…… 😆

Seriously now, As it says in my F.A.Q. section, which is a subsection of my “About Me” page, and I quote:

Question: Is there anything about Political Blogging, that you dislike?

Answer: Yes. The Pile-ons, People that use their Blogs to talk out their proverbial Backsides and so on.

As I said up there, there are many bloggers who use their Blogs to yowl out their backsides. Liberals; as well as a good number of Conservatives do it. I try like the dickens, not to do that here. If there is something that I know nothing about, or not enough to sit here and write like I am an authority on it. I am going to tell you that. It is just the way I am wired. It is called brutal honesty. I just do not have all the answers and I am honest enough of man to tell you readers that. I will also be the first Conservative to tell you that the Republican Party does not have all the answers. Neither does the Democratic Party either. Neither of these parties are perfect, and they all have their bad points.

I know McCain was being funny, and Yes, I enjoyed the little dig. But, I think he thinks I’m just stupid and am linking for the hits. But it goes deeper than that; with me anyhow. I believe if I’m not able to give my opinion on something, I should point to someone that knows more than me, and at least try to get opinion from the other side; that being the Liberal side. Even if I do think it is wrong. I can disagree with Liberals and not be an asshole about it. That is my issue with good part of the Conservative movement, they are so ate up with this, “We are right and we’re going to be assholes about it.” This is why, I believe they lost the election, not to mention all the other factors.I could go on here, but I think you people know what I mean. I hope so anyhow! 😮