A textbook example of why I believe that Liberals hate America

Because of stuff like this here….

Video via Gateway Pundit:

We use the phrase, gave their lives. But they didn’t give their lives, there lives were taken from them
There is more bravery at war than in peace, and it seems wrong that we have so often saved this virtue to use for our least noble activity – war.
The goal of war is to cause death to other people.
Remembering doesn’t do the remembered any good of course its for ourselves, the living
If this is not a classic example of Anti-American Liberal sentiment, I do not know what is. Honestly, I would never figured Andy Rooney to be like this at all. I would expect this sort of tripe from say, Rosie O’Donnell, Bill Ayes, Jeremiah Wright;  But not this guy. Guess you cannot judge a book by its cover.
Others Reporting: Examiner, Scared Monkeys

12 Replies to “A textbook example of why I believe that Liberals hate America”

  1. With all due respect …. I don’t think Rooney was anti American in this at all .
    One of the two of us is dumb …. me .. or the guy who ” see’s it . ”

    We use the phrase, gave their lives. But they didn’t give their lives, there lives were taken from them
    There is more bravery at war than in peace, and it seems wrong that we have so often saved this virtue to use for our least noble activity – war.
    The goal of war is to cause death to other people.
    Remembering doesn’t do the remembered any good of course its for ourselves, the living

    Everything here was true .

    1. I am approving this, because I believe in freedom of speech. But let me warn you. Don’t push me and my reluctance to moderate this subject.

  2. Hey Palio, this is off topic, but I really like the nature of our banter on this board and FreedomsPhoenix. I think your posts are authentic and genuine and I enjoy parrying with you. Don’t feel in the slightest bit unwelcome at FreedomsPhoenix, remember that on the internet nobody can see you smile. Unless we use those insufferable emmoticons. Buck up bro, you are among family.

  3. So let me get this straight. Andy Rooney served in the armed forces honorably. He records a video honoring the men and women who died in war, many of whom were his friends. Somehow you folks interpret that as being un-American and conclude that he and all liberals hate America.

    So to be a good American and to love America you have to have a specific political attitude or set of beliefs–when the founding notion of this country is not to dictate people’s belief systems.

    Besides being hateful, you people and really are just plain dumb. And not representative of reasonable conservative people that I know. You all should be ashamed of yourselves.

  4. “The goal of war is to cause death to other people”.
    This seems to be the truth that conservatives have a hard time with, he did forget to mention the Military Industrial Complex and the really big profits that war brings to the elite that initiate the wars to begin with!
    Truth is they tell the people that go fight and die, that it’s for our freedoms to stimulate the patriotism that is needed to get them to die for their country! Maybe if the truth gets out, they will stop fighting and there will be no more wars if there is no one to fight them!
    Seems to me that it is conservatives that hate America, when they put profits before American lives!

  5. Hundreds of thousands of years of surviving as hunter-gatherers definitely has had an effect on our tendencies as a species. We wouldn’t be here if our ancestors had not survived long enough to breed. These survival tendencies include that around 5% of any human population are natural leaders, free from the scruples and twinges of conscience that characterize most people. The tendencies also include that a majority of humans tend to loyally follow these natural leaders and the organizations they create and are not willing to consider any criticism of them or or their policies. Another word for these natural leaders is “psychopath.” Those who tend to follow them without question are often called “sheeple.” I’m a member of the red-shirt-Friday, “I support our troops” crowd, but that includes a load of burning anger at anybody who puts them in harm’s way for purely political or trivial reasons. I just got back from the “American Hero Ride” from Tulsa to Memphis where we take a bus and lots of Harleys on a 400 mile ride to play a free concert and bring thousands of dollars to the veterans at the VA Hospital. We started doing this five years ago, when we learned that, even though everybody in jail or prison in Tennessee had cable TV in their cells, the wounded Vets at the VA were trying to get local stations on rabbit ears and coathangers. If you truly “support our troops,” do what we do and sacrifice and contribute to them and then get some justice done to those in authority who don’t support them when they have been badly hurt.

  6. The world has gone mad! No one can be trusted. We have all been reduced to calling each other “stupid”. You can no longer have a civil dialogue or disagree with anyone without a major confrontation. So what is the point? It all seems pointless if we are all a bunch of puppets being manipulated by the Bildebergers and the Military Industrial Complex. Or perhaps the nut cases who see a conspiracy under every rock are the real plants by the evil guys in order to stir us up into revolution. And guess what? All the good guys die in the revolution and the bad guys step in after the dust has settled and split up the spoils. Do not be to quick to provoke a fight unless you are willing to sacrifice the very ones you have vowed to protect. Pick your fights and make sure you got enough of the good guys on your side. They don’t all have to agree 100% with what you believe but you need all of us in order to atleast put up a good fight. Turn down the testosterone a notch or two and start thinking before you all start spouting off like a bunch of teenage bullies. Sometimes you all sound like a bunch of Anarchists. The Constitution is all about the RULE OF LAW. Learn all you can about the Constitution and then you will be armed and ready for the fight of a righteous man, not a bunch of hooligans. Do not become a part of the Mob. Do your damnedest to preserve the peace before you start your war. You may regret it once it is started. And about Andy Rooney, I agree with Duncan on this one.

  7. Once there was a man named Bauer, a jeweler by trade. He had a safe, and people put their gold in his safe for safe keeping. He issued receipts for their gold, that is the basis of our dollars today, but being a wise man, he issued nine more certificates of deposit and charged interest on that and made money off of other people’s money (OPM). Now we have the fractional reserve system. We still have this program of theft today.

    It was a rare occasion that all 10 creditors asked for the same ounce of gold at one time, this is called a run on the bank. He could only pay them 1/10 of their deposit. We still do this today. When in 1930 all the people ran to the bank, they could only be paid 10 cents on the dollar, payable in 3 years, such a racket, eh?

    So that one bank would not fail, the banks, pooled 1/10th of their deposits and formed the Federally Deposit Insurance Corporation or FDIC, in order to prevent a run on any one particular bank. But what if 400 banks failed at one time, this is called a depression and the Federal Reserve Board and Bank was formed by the Rothschild’s Illluminati, who was Mr Bauer and his five sons and some rich SOBs.

    Now they formented wars and lent money to both sides at 130 and 140 percent, as in the Battle of Waterloo, which was caused by the Bauer boys. From such profits they invested in the French and British Stock Markets at their lowest points after the devastion of the war. The stock prices went up and up. Now they bought the Central Banks of each country. They coined the term, He that has the gold makes the rule.

    Now today the US and the CIA instigated war machine, has been a willing gunman to enforce the long arm of the Rothchild’s Illuminati Private Bankers, and since 1945, martial law has been in place as long as we have a war on someone, anyone, so the military industrial complex and make the banksters more filthy lucre or Mammon by killing more innocent people and stealing their property, assets and such.

    By means of Martial Law they can put us all in jail and take our property at any time the FEMA secret shadow government declares Martial Law, at a natural or man made disaster, such as the Avian, SARS, or Avian-Porcuine Flu. Just read your Presidential Signing Statments, foreign treaties, Executive Orders, and Presidential Directives. You will get an eye full of crooked SOBs, who see you and I as cash cows and slaves.

    I have not seen any flying pigs yet. But a lot of money is being made to cure a made up disease that came from Ft Detrick, Maryland. In you take that mandatory shot, you have 15 other pathogens and sqaline, which is a toxic poison.

    This is under the key word of sustainable development, just who are they sustaining? It is not your or I. They use wars to cull the billions of humans and take your possessions, but that ruined their infrastructure and they had to start over and it was costly, ergo, the yearly flu virus, made in China, by the Banksters. But I digress, it is time to get mad and do something about it.

    Isn’t it time we wise up and refuse to send our sons and daughters to war. Refuse the toilet paper, question our unnecessary taxes and unscrupulous politicians, who were bought and paid for by such banksters. It no longer matters who is Republican or Democrats, as they are all puppets of the same puppet masters and the agenda is the same in either party, make more war, take more profits, kill more innocent people, plunder their oil assets and such.

    When I was in Mississippi, I lived next to a swamp. Every time I cut my grass, I had to kill 3 to 5 water moccasins. A six foot snake can strike 2/3ths of its length. So we see that is 4 foot. So I took a six foot stick and it it in the middle of its back, reducing the 4 foot striking distance to 2 foot. Then I put the stick behind the head and cut it off to feed the turtles, who were as large a helmets. The moral of this story is to cut off the head of the banksters and take back the reigns of our nation.

    When England kicked two of the five Bauer boys, they came to New York. So now you have the rest of the story. They took over our central bank but lending the US money to fight their bankster made-to-order war, so we would have the funds to fight the Brits, but only by giving them power to coin our money, take us off the gold standard, tax us, and put us all in debt for life with their credit cards at 35%.

    So you and I go out and buy a house and a car at inflated prices, hoping that the rise is longer than the fall of cash, for you see, they print too much money and we buy, when we are in debt, the don’t print too much money, money can no longer by borrowed at normal prices. They get higher interest rates off our over enforced slavery. Businesses fail as they can’t buy their supplies or make payroll. We lose our jobs, and can’t afford the big houses and cars. The banks repossess them. The banks cannot handle so much foreclosers, and the government led by the banksters, then buys our houses and cars for pennies on the hundreds of thousands. We now have 39% reduction of housing prices.

    The government now owns all the banks, houses, cars, and we get order out of the Illuminati caused problems or socialism and Nazis. Nazis are when the CEOs of corporations rule the country. You must tow the party line to get the meager benefits or starve. You will have to swear fealty to those banksters or not be able to buy, sell or trade for food, shelter or clothes. Can you say, Mark of the Beast?

    Now you have a caricature of the future to come in today’s news. Just connect the dots by history and learn to see the elephant in your living room. As we watch TV with our new HDTVs, they now watch us too.

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