Liberals begin high level attacks on High Level Conservatives….Case in Point: Michelle Malkin

It appears that Liberals; emboldened by the win of President Obama’s of the White House, now have a new mission in life. That mission is to destroy Conservatism, The Republican Party and anyone else that happens to disagree with their political views.

The first example of this; is the ad-hominem, over the top, screechy attack of Michelle Malkin by Keith Olbermann; of whom I have totally stopped watching, since his baseless and hateful attack on the Tea Party protestors. This is a perfect example of desperate Liberals who are losing ground with the public discourse and are trying to marginalize the enemy.

The Video:

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Keith’s Yes-Lady in that interview was none other than Margaret Carlson, that writes for Bloomberg and The Week, She has also written in the past at The Huffington Post. What these two chowder heads are carping about, is this entry by Michelle Malkin:
I’ve blogged for years about the spread of contagious diseases from around the world into the U.S. as a result of uncontrolled immigration. We’ve heard for years from reckless open-borders ideologues who continue to insist there’s nothing to worry about. And we’ve heard for years that calling any attention to the dangers of allowing untold numbers of people to pass across our borders and through our other ports of entry without proper medical screening — as required of every legal visitor/immigrant to this country — is RAAAACIST.

9/11 didn’t convince the open-borders zealots to put down their race cards and confront reality.

Maybe the threat of their sons or daughters contracting a deadly virus spread from south of the border to their Manhattan prep schools will.

To be fair to Michelle, she does have a valid point. Out of control immigration does bring disease into this country. So does Illegal Immigration. Liberals; when confronted with facts, like this, always play the race card and also do the race baiting bit. Hence the attack on Michelle.

But wait, it gets better. Now, a liberal in Canada has basically posted, what could be construed as a veiled threat towards Michelle:


Who would write such screed? That is the twitter feed of none other than a liberal columnist from the Toronto Star named Antonia Zerbisias. Of course, now that she’s been caught; she is now playing the victim card.

Here’s the little snot-wad’s picture:


By the way, as Michelle notes, you can let your displeasure be known by contacting the following people; just remember, be nice and respectful:

Living Editor: Alison Uncles
Phone: 416-869-4015
Fax: 416-869-4410

Managing Editor: Joe Hall

The main newsroom phone number is 416-869-4300; fax 416-869-4328; email

General inquiries can be sent to:
Editorial Department
Toronto Star
One Yonge Street, Fifth Floor
Toronto, Ontario
M5E 1E6

Michelle also notes that this woman has a history of accusing others of Hate Speech and she has also accused Michelle of it as well. The irony of all this is the following:

  1. Had a Conservative blogger/talking head/pundit said anything like this about a Liberal; say maybe, President Obama? The fury would be been deafening. Not to mention the fact that they would have been sitting in jail cell somewhere.
  2. I also find it very ironic that a Elitist White Liberal Female Columnist, is now attacking a Conservative Filipino-American Columnist. Where are all the race baiters when you need them?
  3. I also find it quite ironic that the same day that Arlen Specter decided to hang his boots up with the G.O.P., that this attack started.

I will be honest with you all. I am not nearly to the far to the right as Michelle. (I like to think of myself as a bit more of a Moderate…) I’ve disagreed with her in the past. In fact, me and Michelle have had it out in the past. Back before I switched sides. But man, this stuff right here is nothing more than a coordinated attack against the Conservatives. I mean, the Liberals won. What the hell else do they want? I’ve said that before on my Blog. But it just seems like they are not happy with just winning the election, they want to destroy anything and anyone, who disagrees with their beliefs. I know, some of you might think, that I sound like Bill O’Reilly or something like that. But the man does have a point, when it comes to this.

I mean, I guess the MSNBC people are doing this because their rates are tanking. So, they feel the need to lash out. I mean, since the election, MSNBC’s ratings have been in the toilet. Fox News has beaten MSNBC and CNN. I mean, I thought the Tea Party coverage was just plain awful. As I said in my Video that I made, Keith Olbermann was, and I do mean, was, a valid voice of dissent, now he’s nothing more than a partisan hack. He has now proven that to me, beyond a shadow of a doubt. I mean, Michelle has said things that make me cringe, at times. But this sort of nonsense, like this nonsense on twitter, is just unbelievable.

Something tells me that the next four years are going to be long and hard for the Conservative minded folk in America. If we’re even still alive and have not be shipped off to camps to be killed by then.

Update: Greetings Free Republic Readers! Big Grin Yes, I am a moderate. (Well, somewhat… Worried) I used run a Blog that went by a number of different names. But, why should I tell what the name was? What’s in the past is over. I’m on the right side of things now, to coin a phrase. Winking 

2 Replies to “Liberals begin high level attacks on High Level Conservatives….Case in Point: Michelle Malkin”

  1. Wow! I could not agree with KO more.
    Facts do not seem to get in their way. Just Fear & Smear as usual from the GOP elite. Thanks for the video. And as far as Michelle Malkin goes, she dishes it out, she can just take it. She was slanderous to Ron Paul, the rEVOLution, and to 9/11 truthers, never addressing one Ron Paul argument head-on, just slings, arrows and name calling. NeoCon Bush Big Govt War-lovers like Malkin can just go jump in the lake.

  2. I don’t agree at all with the gist of this article. What I have noticed especially over the last 8 years of Republican boondoggles is that liberals are reactive not proactive. It takes a lot of frustration to get a liberal to challenge a conservative critic. The conservative would have to be totally obnoxious before a liberal would stand up and be counted in opposition to one. So if we are now seeing such open contempt for conservative stances and individuals then it must be well warranted by egregious actions on the part of these conservatives (other than 8 years of Bush’s neocon He** that is).

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