The 4:00 AM Music Club Presents……. Jimi Hendrix

I have always said that everything in this existence that we call life, can be usually summed up in a song. This is one of those songs that just sums my whole personality up.

Politics is one thing, my real life is another…..

I was down the street, hanging out with a couple friends that I’ve known for years. Matt and I are alike in a few ways, but in other we’re quite different. He’s got a woman, the poor fool. 😆  Me, I’m the carefree one, don’t like some…um, bitch chick telling me what to do, tied down, you know me, always the rebel.

I’ve always said I was either a stinkin’ hippy or a biker dude from the 1950’s born in the wrong stinkin’ era.

Anyhow, enjoy. This is “Highway Chile” (and if you pronounce that “Chili” you so do not get it…) (It’s pronounced CHILD without the “D”.)

An excerpt from a book about Hendrix