A damned good read!

This is awesome, go give it a read:

Despite such sentiments among many economists, the stimulus plan is certain to be passed by Congress and signed by President Obama.

Which means the last chance to head off “stimulus” boondoggle is to make sure the money isn’t there to be spent. And since our debt-ridden government has no money of its own to flush away, and will have to borrow the cash, scaring off potential lenders is the best bet.

So, come on America. Say it in print, on the radio, on TV, on blogs and in advertisements. Say it loud and say it proud: If the world is dumb enough to loan more money to the U.S. government, don’t expect it to be paid back. The Americans who will be making decisions in the decades to come won’t be bound by the folly of the current crop of office-holders.

If enough of us say it, the world will listen, and cut off the tap.

If that doesn’t stop the spending spree, nothing will.

via Disloyal Opposition: Screw the stimulus — let’s scare off the lenders.

I could not have said it better myself. 😀

(via National Review (Libertarian Blog))