Paul Newman has Died


There are many things that I could write about this man. Most of it has already been written by writers who get paid a hell of a lot more money than me. Paul Newman; The name itself evokes images of a rebel. It also conjures up other images; Quality, integrity, Living what you believe, having the guts to stand up for what you believe in and just being a man.

Paul Newman was the real deal, he lived what he believed. He established a camp for children who are on their last dime in life. He knew the pain, he lost one of his own kids to a drug overdose in 1978. This was Newman’s way of making making someone else’s life a little brighter in a time of terrible suffering. Newman answered the call to War in the 1940’s. In short, he was, in fact, a part of the greatest generation ever. I do not believe that it would be an embellishment of truth to say that Newman was, in fact, an FDR Democrat.

I do not claim to be a movie fanatic or someone who watches lots of movies. But the name Paul Newman has always been a part of the actors of whom I highly respect. Unlike some of the people that reside in this thing we call the Blogosphere, I do not go around wearing my damn politics on my sleeve and I do have more respect than some as well. Yes, Paul Newman was, in fact, a Democrat. He was of the old school Democratic Party, before it became enjoined at the hip to Communist Socialism. From that old school came another great actor, who would go on to be one of our greatest Presidents, Ronald Reagan.

Put your gun down Butch and rest a while. God knows, you’ve earned it.

May he rest in peace and my God be with his family.