New McCain Ad nails Obama on the kneecaps. (or worse….)

(H/T to Ed over at

The deadly quote in this entire Ad is:

You know, I am a believer in … in knowing what you’re doing when you apply for a job. Uh, and I think that … if I were seriously to consider running on a national ticket, I would essentially have to start now, before having served a day in the Senate. Now there may be some people who are comfortable doing that, but I am not one of those people. — Barack Obama, 2004


Now some would say that McCain’s team is using words from before his decision to run for President. Which is a fair criticism, however, for those paying attention to this whole race, this could do some serious damage.

Now personally, I think that this is classic Republican fear-mongering. It could work, and then again, it could backfire. Because the only thing that team Barry would have to do, is put out an ad reminding America that George W. Bush had intelligence warning about attacks from Al-Qaeda, and basically did nothing, and then tie McCain to Bush. That would be deadly. But would be very effective.

My advice to McCain is step very lightly on this subject, because it could come back to haunt you. Especially using the terrorist images.

Others Blogging:
The Corner, Dr. Melissa Clouthier, Althouse and Macsmind

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